Saturday, 6 November 2010

Back in 5 Minutes.

Ok, so it was a lot longer than 5 minutes.

I always thought this was a fairly self-indulgent idea blogging, but i think im happy to use it for me first and foremost. If my hand writing was better and i had an awesome looking journal i think id write, it has more appeal.


So lots is changing for me at the moment. What im causing to happen now is in preparation for next year. Next year is mine.

That gets said a lot, to be honest - "Next year will be better, next year is THE year, plans plans plans." However, im counting on planning for it, not just waiting for it to happen. As George Harrison said, its gonna take time, a whole lot of precious time. And money. And drive.

The impetus for this comes from my job, which has taken over my life. I think i write this more than anything to remind myself of what self-growth and free time and choices are worth and what having them taken away costs. Not next year. Not ever would be stupid to say, but i think i can set a few things in motion to at least stave off that mental inertia and emotional flatspot iv been feeling this year sometimes. And so the countdown to job change is on, 3 weeks and hopefully i can start on some if not all of these ideas.

For now, lets confine "these ideas" to learning French fluently and travel mid-way through next year. The rest will come later on. One thing at a time. In essence, i suppose id like to use this to track how im going. Its too easy to say "Tomorrow, im busy today" so im hoping to be a lot more proactive by guilting myself into action worst comes to worst.

P.s. if you havent seen The Social Network, get to it!

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